You Are More than Who You Think You Are
You realize that all along there was something tremendous within you, and you did not know it. – Paramahansa Yogananda.
Have you ever felt like you’re not good enough? Like you can’t do anything right? That’s how I used to feel, all the time. I would look at other people and think “How do they have it all together? What do they know that I don’t?” And the truth is, I was comparing myself to others who were just putting on a brave face like me. I didn’t realize how powerful and awesome I was until someone pointed it out to me. So today, I want to tell you that you are more than you think you are. You have everything it takes to be successful and happy. Believe in yourself, because believe me, once you start believing in yourself, the sky’s the limit!
1) There is a story about a man who was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He knew that one day he will have to face the consequences of his actions, but he also knew that nothing good comes from fear. I am sure we all know this story! We could say that many things happen and we do not know why or how they happen (coincidences). For example: you meet somebody and during your conversation it turns out that she can help you finding something you need. Or maybe somebody owes somebody else money, but at the end everything is settled and everybody fulfills their part of the deal. Is this luck? Well, maybe, maybe not… Let me tell you one last thing; there are, in fact, no coincidences.
2) The most powerful thing that you have is your belief. It cannot be taken from you, and it cannot be bought. You can buy objects that will help you accomplish what you want to do; money, fame, health. But if you’re not able to believe in yourself, nobody else will be able to (and the same goes for others).
3) What we see on this planet is a small fraction of what there is; we can only access a minimal amount of information through our five senses, and we even let them make decisions for us (the reason why we like some people and dislike other could come down to how they smell, etc.). Do not ever underestimate something or somebody.
4) We all know stories about people who survived the impossible (for example, a plane crashes and only one person stays). It is not because these people were stronger or braver than others, but they believed that there could be another outcome; we should also look at the situation from different angles, try to see it from different perspectives, and then start believing in something else.
5) All the things that we do and say create this energy that moves around us and affects other people and us. After doing stuff like this long enough, you might start experiencing certain situations because you created them with your energy.
6) Everything happens for a reason. For example: maybe it could seem ‘reliable’ when somebody takes advantage of you, but when you look from a different perspective, it may seem ‘reliable’ when someone owes you money. And in the end, both situations can bring you something in return (money in the first example and reliability in the second).
7) We all have times when we feel inferior or superior to others; that is nothing else than our own belief about ourselves. Try to imagine what would happen if everybody talked nicely about each other…the world would be a very different place! We need to take care of our planet by taking care of ourselves to influence other people for good as well.
8) The more excellent vision works on an individual level and at a collective level. The more people believe in something, the more chance there is that this thing will happen. Some people can succeed, and others do not come down to one simple fact: some believe in themselves more than others.
9) In the end, everything works out! Our problems can be turned into a lesson for us; we need to find the address behind every issue. Sometimes it may seem as if things always go wrong or against us, but what they say is true: “It always happens for a reason”. Just try to think about all those situations where something terrible happened because you could learn something significant (for example, I broke my leg once, and during my recovery, I knew how important it was to take care of my body).
10) The answers to every question you might ask are already inside you. You need to listen well enough! Everything that’s coming to your mind at any given moment is the answer to one of your questions. There are no coincidences or ‘wrong turns’ in life; our brain is constantly working, so don’t stop listening to it, but learn how to interpret its messages correctly!
11) Trust yourself. Be kind and gentle with yourself because if you don’t trust yourself, how could you expect other people to? Try thinking about all those moments when you knew what the right thing for you was, but instead of trusting your own decisions, you trusted other people who were not close to being as knowledgeable as you were. The world is constantly changing; you should also!
12) Don’t try to change other people; try to change yourself. All the tremendous changes in the history of humankind came only when one person was brave enough so all the others could follow them. So do not ask for permission; go out there and experiment with your life! At first, you might not succeed very much, but if you don’t give up, it will get better and better until everybody looks at you as an example. Believe that everything is possible and then start living this way.
13) Things are constantly changing. You need to be patient. Sometimes it may feel like nothing is happening the way we would like to, but don’t forget that there are always two sides to the story. It’s all about patience, trust, and faith.
14) Light your candle! There is no need to fear anything or be afraid of anybody. When you decide to take things into your own hands, you will see that fear disappears. All you have to do is light a candle in front of a mirror for 5 minutes every day at the same time (let’s say 7 pm). It would be best if you kept doing this until your fear is gone entirely or at least move away from you. While lighting the candle, focus on what you want to happen in your life instead of fearing what might go wrong. The more time passes, the more vital your determination should become. I guarantee that if you are patient enough, every one of your fears will disappear.
15) You can do everything that you want to! If there is a wall in front of you, jump over it! A few steps back do not mean failure; on the contrary – look at it as an opportunity to try again from a different angle. Or continue walking without worrying too much about where you are heading exactly.
16) Your brain constantly creates new neurons, so don’t worry about losing anything even if you don’t study something regularly or exercise very often. However, you should still make an effort to be physically and mentally healthy because if these two things get worse, then your daily life could become complicated. That’s why I recommend drawing a day-to-day routine with steps that you can follow to improve your brain and body functions.
17) You need to dream. Dreaming is not just some kind of ‘wasting time’ activity for lazy people! Our dreams are incredibly powerful so spend at least one-third of your free time doing whatever is necessary to make them come true. And remember, you don’t actually need any special abilities or skills in order to achieve something (except the determination and belief which we already discussed). All that’s needed is a little hard work and believing that everything will be alright in the end.
It’s easy to think that we are just our thoughts, or at best a collection of our memories and who we were in the past. But when you really look closely, there is so much more than meets the eye. We can be whoever we want to be by changing what we do with out bodies and minds every day. And if it feels like too hard a challenge? Let me remind you that you have all the power within yourself right now–just waiting for your permission to use it. Who will YOU become today?