15 Reasons Why Struggling Makes Your Life Better
In every situation, life is asking us a question, and our actions are the answer. Each time, you’ll learn something. Failure shows us the way—by showing us what isn’t the way. Each time, you’ll develop strength, wisdom, and perspective. Each time, a little more of the competition falls away. Until all that is left is you: the best version of you- Ryan Holiday
Do you ever feel like you’re struggling? Like, life is just hard and nothing is going your way? It seems like every day is a battle and you’re constantly fighting just to keep your head above water. If that sounds familiar, then I have good news for you: Struggling is actually making your life better.
1. Struggles are the opportunity to grow yourself into a better person.
One of the best ways to learn new things is through mistakes and failures. Because when you fail at something, it helps you understand what went wrong in your approach and how you can fix it next time. You will be more serious about your goal or task if you know that there’s some consequence waiting on the other side if you don’t try hard enough. When you experience struggles along the way, know that they’re just minor speed-bumps in life that help shape who you’ll become later on down the road. What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger!
2. Struggle builds commitment & perseverance.
You don’t have to be an Einstein or Mozart in order to succeed at something. All you have to do is put your mind, heart, time, energy, effort, passion into it and go after it with all that you’ve got! A person with a strong work ethic and commitment to achieving their goal are more likely to win than someone who gives up when they hit a small bump in the road.
3. Struggle builds resilience & toughness.
Resilience isn’t so much about bouncing back from bad times but how long it takes for you to get there. Some people are resilient because they take action even when everything seems so messed up around them. When life throws a wrench at you, try looking for the silver lining instead of giving up.
4. Struggle builds confidence & self-esteem.
The most crucial step in self-improvement is the first step; the next is the second, and so on. One minor victory will build your confidence one day at a time so you can move on to bigger things. When you feel awkward or insecure about doing something new, remember that every other successful person had to go through an initial period of awkwardness. Hang in there! You got this!
5. Struggle makes you appreciate success more.
Every time we face failure, it gives us a perspective of what success truly means to us and how badly we want it. And when we finally do achieve that goal after all that effort and hard work, there’s no better feeling in the world that can top that.
6. Struggle gives your life a purpose.
Who you are and what you do is all about how you choose to look at things. If your life is going nowhere, if it’s boring, lonely, and unhappy, then maybe something needs to change. While struggling on a journey may be more complicated than sitting back and watching behind the scenes as others succeed, those struggles make success even sweeter when we finally achieve it!
7. Struggle helps us become humble.
We’re all born ignorant with zero knowledge of anything, but as time goes by, we start figuring out our unique talents and skills through trial & error. We slowly discover the person we truly want to become and how best to use it in helping others. The more you struggle, the less likely you’ll show off or brag about yourself because that’s not who you are as a person. You’re humble and know that there’s always someone better than you at something, so why bother comparing?
Read : Why Your Brain Needs Struggle
8. Struggle gives us a higher purpose.
We all ask ourselves: What on earth am I here for?! Why was I born into this world? For you, may be to become a self-made millionaire and help those around me live happier & healthier lives by doing what they love every day. But everyone has their reasons for waking up every day and going through struggles which drives them towards achieving their goals no matter how big or small they are.
9. Struggle makes you appreciate the little things in life.
When you’re struggling on a day-to-day basis, it’s easy to forget about all of the fantastic things you have going for your life. When I was looking for opportunity , I would take everything in my life for granted because I didn’t know any better, so strong rose-colored glasses blinded me from seeing just how truly blessed I had become in my own eyes. Now that my dark times are finally behind me, my main goal in life is to stay positive & grateful no matter what it throws at me! That’s why we should learn to love ourselves before loving anybody else!
10. Struggle teaches us not to take anything for granted.
At one point or another in life, you’ve probably lost something or someone close to your heart. For me, I had to deal with the death of my family members, which taught me not to take anything for granted because you never know when it’s all going to be ripped away from you without warning. I constantly remind myself that everything is transient & continually changing, so enjoy what you have now before it’s too late!
Read : Embrace the struggle
11. Struggle shows us who our true friends are.
When times are tough, do your friends stick beside you through good and evil? Or do they only come crawling back only when things go well again? If a friendship is genuine, then they will always be there, even during the darkest times. Sometimes your true friends seem like strangers until you need their help.
12. Struggle builds character.
Every day, I practice my patience, dedication, & perseverance to achieve what I want in life. While it may seem like a long and strenuous journey sometimes, that’s what makes achieving your goal all the more rewarding! Since you’ve gone through so much hardship throughout this journey called life, you’ll have a newfound respect for what it took to get you where you are today. And once that happens, nothing can hold you back from creating a brighter future filled with love & laughter.
13. Struggle is just a part of the process.
It may be challenging, but as Jim Rohn said: “The obstacle is the path”! Every successful person out there has gone through their struggles, so even though it may seem impossible to overcome right now, you are not alone. We all have bad days, but what makes the difference in your ability to get back up & keep pushing towards achieving your lifelong goals! If there’s a will, then there’s away because you’re just that much closer than other people who never even tried in the first place.
14. Struggle shows us what we’re made of.
The more hurdles are thrown at us, the more it reveals our true character, which teaches us about the resilience of our inner strength. This also reflects how vital victory is compared to defeat, especially once you know how far you’ve come from giving up. Without struggles, we are nothing but empty shells that lack passion & purpose.
15. Struggle sets us free.
It’s easy to forget about all of the negative things we’ve gone through because we learned something new from it and matured as a result. The struggle is behind us now, but we no longer let our emotions take control because we’ve become more assertive and wiser for this experience. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can change your life for the better and stop letting anger & hatred run your life. Remember, what doesn’t kill you will only make you stronger! And once that happens, nothing can hold you back from creating a brighter future filled with love & laughter!
I’ve been struggling for a while, and it has not always been easy. But, in retrospect, there are so many reasons why my struggles have made me the person I am today. They helped me learn what is essential; they taught me resilience, and they enabled me to develop empathy for others who may be going through similar challenges. There were no bad guys or good guys–just life lessons learned from the process of trying and failing over and over again until something finally stuck. If you’re feeling down about your current situation, take heart in knowing that this too shall pass. And when it does, you’ll find yourself more vital than ever before!