Isn't it better to be bored than busy? Here are 10 reasons why.

When was the last time you felt really busy? I’m talking about that frazzled, overwhelmed feeling where there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. For me, it’s been a while. And you know what? I’m not missing it one bit.

In fact, I’ve been enjoying my newfound boredom immensely. Here are some reasons why being bored can be a good thing:

  1. It gives you time to reflect on your life and what you want to do with it.
  2. You can catch up on sleep!
  3. You can spend time with your family and friends.
  4. You can learn new skills or hobbies.
  5. It’s a great opportunity

I used to think that being busy was the key to a happy life. But after years of chasing after work, family, and social commitments, I’ve realized that being bored might be better than being busy. Here are ten reasons why.

1. Busy means overwhelmed, which means stress. Bored means relaxed. Relaxed is good…good for your health!

2. Busy people get sick more often…why? The immune system gets overwhelmed too. It’s easier to get sick when you aren’t relaxed and at peace.  Adrenalin rushes can weaken the immune system temporarily by diverting blood flow away from it towards other areas of the body to help them cope with what they perceive as a threat – like running away from an angry bear! This temporary adrenalin rush is part of our brain’s fight or flight mechanism that has been around since prehistoric times when being chased by predators was very real for survival. This mechanism can hurt our health, as research has found that stress weakens the immune system and increases susceptibility to catching colds or flu by up to three times!

3. Busy people are stressed out….and guess what? Stress leads to high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart attack, or stroke. Just think about it…if you were relaxed at work, there would be no reason for your boss to come over and say “You are too relaxed at work right now…” (I am kidding!)  But seriously, you get my point?

Read : Busy but Bored

4. Busy is worrisome – worry kills productivity, therefore costs money. Boredom gives peace of mind…which means relaxation…which means more productivity…which means more money!

5. Busy distracts us from being creative…the modern world makes us less intelligent because we have become so obsessed with being busy! The more technology advances, the faster we want to go. Our lives are speeding up – hence why it’s called “fast-paced living.”

6. Busy is stressful – stress causes us not to think clearly and logically, resulting in poor judgment, anxiety, depression…and guess what? All this leads to more significant problems down the line.

7. Busy means that you are constantly checking off your To-Do list instead of enjoying what you have accomplished already today. It is easy for our lives to become consumed by what needs to be done next…instead of focusing on what has already been achieved! Life should be enjoyed every minute because there are no rewind buttons or second chances – so make them count now!

Read : How Boredom Can Enhance Creativity and Mental Health

8. Busy means that you are not being mindful – Mindfulness is a state of active, open attention to the present. When you’re aware, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them, good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass you by, mindfulness means living in the moment and awakening to experience.

9. Busy leaves no room for rest…rest is necessary because it allows us time to recharge our batteries to be energized to face each new day! In today’s world with so many distractions around even when we want to relax – we need to carve out some “you-time” every day if possible! This way, we don’t become burnt out and exhausted…

10. Busy never gets to enjoy the essential things in life: our families, friends, and health!

Read: The benefits of Boredom

11. Busy is just an illusion that gives us the impression that we are being productive when we might not be – checking emails repeatedly or working overtime, for example! How busy are you?  Take a minute right now to sit down and think about how your week has been so far…and how many hours of the day have been spent doing something productive….hmmm? I am guessing it’s not as much as you think!

We all know that busy is the new black. But sometimes, being too busy can actually be a bad thing – for our mental and physical health, for our relationships, and for our productivity. It’s time to start embracing boredom again. What do you think? Do you find yourself too busy? Will you try to make more time for boredom in your life?