Your life is the sum total of all the thoughts and sentiments that you think, thank, and consider. Do you agree?

I can find only three kinds of business in the universe: mine, yours, and God’s. (For me the word God means “reality.” Reality is God, because it rules. Anything that’s out of my control, your control and everyone else’s control–I call that God’s business)-Byron Katie

This is a very personal topic for me and one that I have given a lot of thought to. Our lives are the sum total of all the thoughts and sentiments that we think. If we’re constantly dwelling on negative things, our lives will reflect that. But if we focus on the positive, our lives will be much more joyful. I know this from experience. For a long time, I was stuck in a cycle of negativity and it was really affecting my life in a negative way. But once I made a conscious decision to start thinking more positively, my life changed for the better. And I’m not talking about some small change, I mean big changes! So if you’re looking to improve your life, start by thinking more positively.

Every day you think about different things. What to do, what not to do? How will I live today? Will it be exciting or boring? All this is because of your thoughts. If you think right then success comes your way and if your thoughts are negative then every thing goes wrong for you. You cannot even lead a normal life.

As per Hinduism, there are three types of thoughts-‘Vikriti’, ‘Samanya Vidya’ and ‘Divine thought’.

Vikriti is what you think of. It can make you high or low depending on your attitude towards it.

Samanya vidya is the average thought that most people have in mind.

Divine thought is what God thinks of. This is absolute truth and it guides you to lead a good life.

You create your own destiny according to your thoughts whether they are positive or negative. For example, suppose you are walking down the road and suddenly your purse falls down. You may pick it up with complete faith that someone will return it to you. If this happens then good for you but if nothing like this happens then you need not worry because what you have just experienced is the effect of your own thoughts.

You can lead a life full of happiness and success if you think positive. If a man has a negative attitude then he will never be able to see anything good even in his dreams because all this is guided by his attitude towards things around him. In some cases, what you think or imagine about can actually come true. You may be sitting relaxed in your chair when suddenly a brown cockroach comes out from under the table and crawls across the floor. What is it that has made this cockroach come to you? It is certainly not by coincidence. This has happened because of what you regularly think about unconsciously. Have you ever seen a cockroach in your dreams? It means that this kind of insect is just an indication of what you are attracted to or have an affinity towards. The appearance of the cockroach was only because it came automatically to your mind. The appearance of many similar things, which you may never have noticed consciously, is also guided by thoughts.

Read : There is a legendary story of a man knowns as Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, who cured every patient in the criminally insane ward of a Hawaii`i State Hospital — without ever seeing a single patient. Now this may seem a little “insane,” but upon having a closer look, the story speaks for itself.

If you think positive, your thoughts will become clear and strong and if negative they will be weak and unclear. It is important to understand that our life has a link with the thoughts we think all day everyday. If we keep thinking of something which we like even for just five minutes then we start liking it more and more but if we keep thinking of something which we don’t like then that thought is strengthened in our mind. It is important to think about what you say because whatever you say, shall come true.

If you keep thinking positive thoughts, your life will be good and if negative it will be bad. Every day millions of people die all over the world but they leave their thoughts behind. This is the only difference between living and dying. These thoughts constitute life because everything happens according to your thoughts. Thoughts are energy, they are ‘Prana’ which rules over nature. If you think positive then success will come to you but if negative then failure will be your constant companion. It has been seen that whatever man thinks, comes true in some way or the other. For example, you may think of something for five minutes and it takes exactly that much time to happen. Thoughts are like seeds which grow into big trees with branches spreading out all over the place. Our thoughts are very powerful but they cannot do anything without ‘Kriya Shakti’ (the power of action). In order to do anything, you need a combination of thought and action.

Man is the only creature that thinks about the future. He always thinks what will happen in future or how he would have been happy if something had happened instead of what actually happened. But thinking alone cannot solve your problems, you must take steps to achieve your goal. If you really want something to happen no-matter what, then it will surely come true. Even if you think about something for 10 years but do not take any steps towards that direction then the chances of that thing happening are very small. If you do not try to make things happen or give up easily then nothing good will come in life.

Even if your thoughts are positive and strong, there is a chance that they might not happen because you still do not have the power to make things happen. You must take steps or do ‘Kriya Shakti’ (action). Without action, even good thoughts will go in vain. It is said in the Bhagavad Gita that you can get whatever you want if you just practice. There is nothing wrong in thinking or dreaming about something because if your thoughts are positive they will grow stronger and become stronger by the day until they actually happen. If this is done, there is no doubt that success will surely come to man.

The Gita will also tell you that if negative thoughts occupy your mind then you can never be happy and success may not come to you. You must keep away from too much laziness, lethargy or procrastination because these things have ruined countless lives. Dreaming is good but it should not turn into a day dream where no work gets done.

Every day people get negative thoughts in their mind which are mostly irrational. These thoughts ruin relationships, waste time and life itself because they are distractions. There is no harm if you get distracted by worldly things for a while but if you let it become a habit then it will not be good for anyone. If these distractions start to occupy your mind then you will never be able to achieve anything. These distractions are not only watching TV or playing video games but even too much of thinking is also a distraction because it robs you of your energy and time.

Negative thoughts should be washed away by positive ones. Every day we forget what we do in past life so there is no point thinking about the past and feeling depressed. It is better to look ahead and focus on what you have to do in future. If we spend time thinking of the past we will not be able to enjoy life because nothing can change that so why bother?

Every moment doesn’t come back therefore it is wise to use every moment wisely because even if you lose today you will surely win tomorrow and that’s how life works. You can become a master of your own fate if you start thinking positive and taking actions, just like the old saying: “Think positive and everything will be OK. Life is beautiful.”

In the end, your life is a reflection of all that you think and feel. I believe this to be true because my own experience has been shaped by what I have thought about in the past or how grateful I am for things in my present moment. We can’t control everything around us but we do get to choose our thoughts and feelings which ultimately shape who we are as people…have you ever stopped to consider where your thoughts come from?